
Vines on an iron trelis


Building on our core values, we are weaving sustainability further into the fabric of our business. We believe that targeted ESG efforts are integral to our objective of seeking attractive investment returns.

We pursue an ESG strategy that is designed to address the most material issues to our business, starting with a Corporate Sustainability program – focused on our operations and then scale through a Responsible Investment program that focuses on our investment platform.

We believe that by being a leader for integration of environmental, social and corporate governance factors in our business, we can in turn help drive greater adoption within our investment and portfolio management processes and help create better investment outcomes. Whether it’s protecting and growing the capital of our clients, creating long-term value for our shareholders or aligning our interests with business partners, we are committed to supporting sustainable practices that help enable us to seek risk-adjusted returns.

Our ESG Material Issues

We have identified eight ESG topics that we believe are most material to our business and long-term performance. These topics form the basis of our sustainability strategy. We continue to assess the materiality of these issues and ensure that we remain attentive to, and ahead of, any shifts in the landscape and our stakeholders’ priorities.

ESG - Our Most Material Issues Graphic
Adam Heltzer portrait

In the years ahead, the differentiated ESG program will be the one that embeds itself in the heart and mind of every employee, informing their daily work. Our aspiration is when someone asks ‘who is responsible for ESG?’ we all will raise our hands.

Adam Heltzer

Partner, Head of ESG

Corporate Sustainability

How we lead by example through our own corporate operations
Solar panels and energy generating windmills
Climate Change

We are committed to leading by example on climate change through our own corporate practices.

Group of employees discussing ESG
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We harness the power of difference to be a force for good and contribute to the long-term success of Ares and our stakeholders.

Heart shaped paper cutout

We partner with charitable organizations to make an impact in our communities.

Responsible Investment

Our Responsible Investment Program scales our sustainability practices throughout our investment platform.

Mobilizing an entire investment platform to act on a clear ESG vision requires a deliberate approach to governance.  

In 2020, we explicitly laid out our thinking on ESG governance by clarifying the respective roles of our 

Board of Directors, Executive Management Committee, ESG Team, the groups of ESG Champions embedded in investment strategies as well as the front-line investment and portfolio management professionals. Through this model, we collaborate to tailor our ESG strategy to each investment group and drive ownership and accountability across the platform. 

Board of Directors and Executive Management Committee + ESG Team

Roles & Responsibilities

  • The Executive Management Committee conducts an annual review of the ESG Team's business plan as prepared by the ESG Team.


  • The Executive Management Committee helps ensures that we maintain a consistent and platform-wide, strategic, long-term ESG business plan.
  • The ESG Team executes on a business plan designed to seek to deliver value to Ares and our stakeholders.
ESG Team + ESG Champions

Roles & Responsibilities

  • The ESG Team defines the ESG objectives, implementation steps and processes for our investment platform.
  • The ESG Team partners with designated ESG Champions to adapt the platform-wide approach to the bespoke dynamics inherent to their investment strategy.


  • The ESG Team enables strategies to develop a tailored ESG implementation plan.
  • The ESG Champions author an ESG integration approach that is practical and bespoke to the underlying strategy. ESG Champions refine the approach over time.
ESG Champions + Investment Committees + Investment and Portfolio Management Teams

Roles & Responsibilities

  • With technical support from the ESG Team, ESG Champions serve as a local resource within strategies and review the ESG integration plan annually for priority improvements.
  • Investment Committees and Teams review the outputs of ESG integration steps throughout the investment lifecycle.
  • Frontline investment and portfolio management professionals execute ESG-related tasks on a deal-by-deal basis.


  • ESG Champions ensure quality and fulfillment of ESG integration outputs.
  • Investment Committees ensure implementation at the fund level.
  • Investment and portfolio management professionals ensure implementation at the individual deal level.

Our ESG Champions

Our network of ESG Champions drives integration efforts on the ground. ESG Champions embedded across the firm are a critical bridge to the broader employee base

A mountain range and clear sky